So the other day, I saw via facebook that The Maternal Lens blog was having a giveaway of the fabulous Michelle Kane's actions! ...which I have coveted and drooled over since they came out a few months ago. So, as giveaways tend to go, you like the gift giver's page, and then maybe even post about it in your status. I already "liked" Michelle Kane's page, so I shared the giveaway on my status. And completely forgot about it. Cause I seriously never win anything. A few? couple? one? days later, I saw a post on my wall from the incredibly talented Melody White, congratulating me on winning the actions! Well I was shocked to say the least and couldn't believe it until I saw the actual posting of the winners...and as I was looking it up I called my family in to the office and wouldn't tell them why until I confirmed the glorious truth!!! (See it here) So after some freaking out...I haven't been that excited in I-don't-know-how-long...I contacted both the blog and Michelle and received the actions! (Yippee!) So I went back and found a couple of my favorite images to re-edit with the actions and see what I could come up with. It was so much fun! I'm thinking with the first image, her face is a little too white..but whatever. Here are a couple before and afters! I would love to hear your thoughts! Constructive criticism welcome...just be gentle! :)
As I was about to post this..I see its my 200th post! Woo hoo! shall I celebrate?? Well I just had a diet coke, so I guess I've got nothin. Aw about some more pics of the gorgeous Jenny and her "mini-me." They're just too cute not to post more!!
So last weekend, I had a photo session of my sister in law and her little one year old at the same place my husband had taken my kids to ride bikes and barbecue dinner. Only ONE (out of 4) of my kids would here are a few of our "testing out the location" shots. I had to pay him a dollar though. Don't ask how I'm going to bribe my 10 year old for pictures. (Well I actually don't know the answer yet anyway). But I refuse to buy the school pictures so I need to take some of the rest of them, and soon!! Wish me luck.
This session was such a cool experience! This adorable couple received a gift certificate for a mini session, from one of my clients for a Christmas present! So I finally got to meet them when we hooked up in Santa Rosa at the Bennett Valley Golf Course where Mr. F loves to golf! We had a great time, and they had wonderful stories to share with me about their 51 years was truly inspiring, and I had a blast with them. Thanks you guys!
Meet my beautiful sis in law and gorgeous niece! Usually I just take pictures of little M by herself (here)..but this time we got her gorgeous mom in some shots too! It was fun seeing the temper tantrums that start to emerge at this age...she's just so darn cute, even when she's ticked! More pics to come...just wanted to get a few going as a sneak peak!